Family Time

Day 41:

What a whirlwind weekend of family time. My brother, sister in law, and three nephews were in town this weekend and we had brunch at my house, followed by time at my cousin’s new house on the river. I’m mentally counting around 16 kids that were present ( four under one year old). This was followed by another dinner at my other cousins (this time only with 9 kiddos), and lunch at my aunts on Sunday. It’s interesting to observe these kids play, converse, and also mimic their parents neuroses ( like when #1 can’t handle our labeled toy bins getting mixed up or the play room getting too messy). Despite all this family time, I was unable to catch one photo of all of them together… Thanksgiving goals.

Positive Thought of the Day: Today was a rough one as baby decided he really wanted to be close today, making it difficult for me to put him down or do much with my hands. Like last Monday, we spent most of the day snuggling. I’d like to believe that it’s because on the weekends he has to share me with his sisters so he wants to take advantage of our one on one time.  Enjoying the slow, snuggle day after the crazy weekend.


Day 38

I find that there are generally two types of people- those who love Halloween and those who don’t. I am one of the latter, although I hold no judgement for the former. Generally, I run high on stress so added stress with little return isn’t high on my list. And don’t get me started on costumes.. But for these kids, I’ll embrace the hocus pocus and make sure they enjoy this silly little holiday.

Since I have a little more free time while on maternity leave, I was able to make little treat bags for #2’s class, attend a parade at #1s school, AND  make it to the daycare parade for both. Last year, I totally missed the character book parade at #1s school ( not just missed attending- we didn’t even realize she was supposed to dress up) so I would consider this a win.

We have started reading Harry Potter so #1 decided to go as Hermione since she already had the curly hair down. Who knew this would be such a popular book character as there were no less than 35 kids dressed up in Gryffondor attire. But since the robe was so cool, #2 also decided she wanted to be a Hogwarts student so then we HAD to get another robe… and this is why I hate Halloween. Gone are the days when kids are just one thing for Halloween since there are so many events to attend. Well the jokes on you girls, because although I may seem like the sucker… you guys and the little one too will be some version of Harry Potter character until it doesn’t fit anymore (there are a ton of Gryffondor students to choose from, or we could mash up Harry Potter and zombies.. the possibilities are endless, right?)

Positive Thought of the Day: For the second Halloween in a row, it was pretty much a rain-out. We did manage to host a little cousin pizza party and get in about 30 minutes of trick or treating. Limited trick or treating means a more appropriate amount of candy, more reasonable bed time, and less sugar hangover the next day. I’ll take it!