Things NOT to Say to a Pregnant Colleague

Day 35:

A year ago today, I posted on facebook last October about a man on the elevator at work asking me if I was expecting. I laughed made some comment about a beer belly and vowed never to wear that dress again. The joke is on me though because two months later I found out I WAS pregnant. Here are some things that were constantly said to me that I would caution others to not say in the workplace.

  1. Were you trying? Kind of personal. Best to just let the pregnant person take the lead on what they choose to share.
  2.  Are you pregnant or is that a beer belly? I can’t make this up. See above. Also, I’m the only person who is allowed to call my belly a beer belly. I don’t comment on men’s beer bellies at work, and believe me I’m surrounded by more than a few.
  3. You Look great.. for being x months pregnant. Just stop at you look great.
  4. You look so big or you are so much bigger than so and so. Many women are insecure and hormonal about how they are looking. Especially in the early stages of pregnancy when not everyone knows they are pregnant. You don’t know what a person is going through. Best not to comment.
  5. I can’t believe you are still.. [insert normal part of my job here]. I’m pregnant, not unable to perform at the same level. I don’t want any special circumstances granted. If I need to be excused from something, I’ll ask. But don’t assume that I won’t travel or participate in something just because I’m pregnant. There are better ways to word things to ensure you are being appropriately empathetic to your employees situation while respecting their ability to perform at work. 

Positive Thought of the Day: Sometimes things happen for a reason. One year later after the man’s comment in the elevator, I am happily snuggling the chilliest baby ever and enjoying a little break from a very intense work year. Although, I was shocked that someone thought I was pregnant a year ago and couldn’t fathom another child at the time, now I cannot imagine my life without the little guy.