
Day 8:

Took our first outing to Target today. The ride was a bit painful, but baby was great. He mostly slept in the car and in the store. Keeping my fingers crossed he will continue to be an easy baby, because his sisters were NOT. I would not have even been able to contemplate starting a blog project with them. Not sure if it’s because he’s the third and this is now just old hat and I am more relaxed or if its different because of his temperament or because he’s a boy.

Target outing was a success- I used the Cartwheel app in store for the first time and saved money on diapers. Couponing gives me such a sense of accomplishment. As a young child, I literally clipped coupons every Sunday morning out of the NEWSPAPER.. guess you could say I have always been an old soul.  Now, before any online purchase I will always google for promotion codes. Today, we saved $13 in stores using the Cartwheel app, got a $20 giftcard for buying $100 worth of diapers and turned in an expired carseat in the Target carseat event and received a 20% off coupon (worth almost $40). Score!  Yes, this boss mom still loves a good deal.

Positive Thought of the Day: I am moving very slowly, but I’m up and out just 10 days out from surgery. We forget sometimes the little things we take for granted- like our health. Counting the small blessings in life.