Work It

Day 5:

Easy, Tiger. I should heed the advice on the baby onesie. Had to take several work phone calls. Still receiving tons of work texts. It’s surprisingly good to feel still included and needed at work as I adjust into some semblance of a normal routine at home. Still determined to try my best to take it easy so I can have a super productive backend of maternity leave. I’ve been invited on a special trip to corporate as part of career progression work, which of course is happening during maternity leave. Supposedly, would be good to “be seen” there. I’ve decided to plan to take a day from my maternity leave to attend said event. Hopefully it will be worth it!

Also had a visit from a good friend today, it was good to catch up. I’m also making it a personal goal to catch up with friends this maternity leave. As you can see, I have a lot of “goals”.

Positive Thought of the Day: It’s Baby J’s one week birthday and he is super alert. He is strong and picks up his neck already and boy is he HUNGRY. We have a happy, healthy, baby!