Keeping Up with the Jones’

Maternity Leave Day 2:

Saw cousin’s newborn shoot for their third child. Did not even contemplate it for #3 boy child. Ensue panic about not wanting boy baby to have issues as an adult. Baby 1 and 2- had newborn shoot and outfits scheduled for months. Decided HAD to have newborn photo shoot and contacted a photographer and set one up for later this week. Thanks to Courtney Prinzo for fitting us in completely last minute.

Feel like I’m creating projects to replace work and fight boredom. Feel guilty because I should be savoring every newborn moment.. but one can only watch him sleep for so long. Commence googling cute newborn boy photo ideas.

Positive Thought of the Day: The girls are doing so well at adjusting to life with baby. There have been ZERO jealousy issues with the baby, which is surprising- just a lot of love. My 90+ year old grandma came to visit today. She is now enjoying her 7th great-grandchild, how awesome is that!