Moms Who Lunch

Day 37:

We got to spend today with another special mom on maternity leave – my cousin and her adorable mini-me and toddler. Before lunch we had a moment in the Barnes and Noble bathroom that would have really stressed out the pre-third baby version of myself.

Imagine this scene:  Baby J was screaming his head off on the changing table as yet again he blew out his diaper.  Poop.was.everywhere. My cousin’s daughter was screaming in her stroller while my cousin was helping her toddler who was touching everything while in the bathroom stall.  It was chaos. An older woman entered the bathroom circus, sidestepping the stroller ( we had taken up the entire bathroom) and kindly told us that these days go by fast ( see previous post).

After the cacophony, I popped baby back in the carrier and browsed books while he nursed and we then enjoyed a SIT DOWN lunch ( with appetizers and all) while both babies napped peacefully and we enjoyed adult conversation. My mom even popped by and joined us for lunch.  It was loud and a little messy to start but it really was a good day.

Positive Thought of the Day: Thankful that baby J is an overall easygoing baby who doesn’t mind car rides so that we can continue going on adventures together. Continuing to enjoy the life’s moments.